Practicing s-l-o-w-w-w

Is it possible to practice TOO slow? In other words, if I'm learning a new beat (with tempo of 120) and can play it well at 80 BPM, is there anything to gain by practicing it at 70? 50? 30? Is it an inefficient use of my time?
When you're playing or recording, you'll probably be working at a variety of tempos, and hopefully time signatures too.

Practicing - depends on your goals. If your goal is to increase your speed with something you're already doing, there's not much point in going slower - unless you're making mistakes. Then you've got to put it in reverse for a bit
If you're practicing to try and perfect something, precision is more important than speed. Precision first - speed later.

When you're learning something, you'll just naturally have to go slower.

Sometimes it's fun just to chill out and play something you know well slowly, just as a form of meditation or really feeling and perfecting a groove.