Food Before the Gig

So what is it? I was always sandwiches or salad. Subway was my best friend before the gig. Took me a bit to realize that fast food and pizza just didn't agree with me before a bunch of drumming activity. Neither did anything containing caffeine. Playing dehydrated sucks. Subway was great because they are everywhere, and I could eat half before the show and half after. Y'all got any go to foods before performing?
I like to eat light - if I'm out, some kind of grilled chicken and rice would be good, and either water or unsweetened tea. Actually, I try to eat like this all the time, but I'm not always successful. Lately at one gig, we are allowed a meal on the house (a Mexican restaurant), and we usually finish before the place closes, so I'll show up hungry, and then have a meal when we're done before going home. I avoid alcohol and enjoy the occasional Pepsi. I find if I eat too much fried foods, my body starts to rebel, so I stick to grilled meats and salads, or rice.
No food 2 hours or less before a gig. Only water before and during. After-gig is a different story.
Yeah, nothing about 2-3 hours before a gig or a rehearsal. I bring a sandwich, some cheese, fruit and vegetables to rehearsals, but I don't eat that until about 3 hours in, not because I'm hungry, but because I'm already about a 6-pack deep with more to go. When I get home after rehearsals, I eat - sometimes I stuff my face - food's a good way to mitigate a hangover.
Whatever is on the rider............... :)
I usually eat before I leave for a gig, usually 5pm. At the gig, I just drink water. I don't eat much...I suppose I should eat more.
Right on board with no food 2 hours before a show - cleaning vomit off of a kit is not how you want to spend an afternoon. The only thing I'd eat in the two hour window would be bananas and drink water. Don't know how I used to drink all the way to the gig, drink/party up to set time, drink during the set and play decent. (Actually, I do - I was in my 20's!)
I have to eat something before gigs, usually something with some protein. Usually, it'll be something like peanuts, almonds, peanut-butter crackers, etc.
Seems like we always end up at a pizza or burger joint somewhere near the club. I have played after eating crappy food, good food, no food, beer, you name it, and it really seems to make no difference. Im not playing 3 hour sets, but for the 30-45 min we play it really seems not to matter.
For sure, food before gig is a good thing. I like to eat a decent meal a couple hours before start time. No particular food, just something I'd normally eat. I've had an experience or two, being too busy before the gig to eat property. Empty stomach, low blood sugar doesn't mix well with peak performance. Night-time gigs I usually have a beer and sometimes maybe half another one over a 3-4 hour gig just for the sugar content. Some gigs, I'm so busy, I don't even finish the one beer.
This local library amphitheater would have concerts and the orchestra would play there or I would play in a back up band for a touring group through area sometimes. The event organizers brother owned a Wife Saver-Southern food restaurant so right before every concert fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, Mac and cheese, and banana pudding for dessert. It was ridiculous-the first time I pigged out and regretted it (I felt like a sloth-all your blood wants to shunt to your gut away from muscles during digestion). After that I'd eat light so skip everything but banana pudding LOL.
Caught myself eating a baked chicken breast with a side of mac and cheese on my floor tom once (w/ plate)... Held me up and was high in protein
I don't like eating immediately before a gig, but generally speaking I don't mind eating up to 30 minutes prior. Sometimes during a long gig that cuts through mealtimes, I have a snack or something at a break.
I don't drink any alcohol before I play or while I play. Every time I do, my playing suffers...even after just one. I've broken that rule a few times recently, and I've paid for it each time. I broke the rule this past Friday, and I feel I got sloppier. Didn't have anything at Saturday's gig, and I felt great. I just don't feel as good if I have something. When I get home, I'll have to have a little something to help me settle down.
My "gig" is church on Sunday morning - I always stop at McD's and get an Egg McMuffin and a large coffee on the way. There are worse things a person could have for breakfast than an Egg McMuffin - the worst part of it is the white flour English Muffin.

As a trumpet player, I always liked to make sure that I have had some kind of food, but I avoid high sodium foods, and I make sure to have a lot of water. Dehydration seems to be a factor for almost any instrumentalist, but it just KILLS trumpet chops.
So what is it? I was always sandwiches or salad. Subway was my best friend before the gig. Took me a bit to realize that fast food and pizza just didn't agree with me before a bunch of drumming activity. Neither did anything containing caffeine. Playing dehydrated sucks. Subway was great because they are everywhere, and I could eat half before the show and half after. Y'all got any go to foods before performing?

I always eat before playing or any physical activity. But it’s what you eat that matters . Nothing high in salt, sugar or bad carbs which basically turns to sugar in your blood immediately . Carbs are good but it’s the type that matters. Slow digesting healthy carbs so as not to raise blood sugar fast , which causes the body to release insulin to bring it down quick. This up and down ( rise and crash ) of blood sugar is what makes people tired and feel sluggish . It’s important before any physical activity to eat but eat balanced ..... some protein, some good carb, some fiber and some healthy fats. This is true for everyday life as well . A diagnosis of type two diabetes 4 years ago got me eating the way all of us always should, and I’ve never felt better in my life . It’s true what they say ...... you are what you eat........... So I guess I was a pizza ?
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