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  1. B

    Soloing, groove, 25/16

    It's so easy to get lost in that groove. Not in time, but in the groove itself. Killer funk, man. Killer indeed.
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    Ludwig Vistalite Reissue ZepSet

    Recently I sold my SJC custom kit to a good friend who I know wanted it worse than I did. With that I went in search for the dream kit, a Ludwig Vistalite kit in the John Bonham sizes. Although the absolute dream kit is a vintage model, I found the reissue for quite the steal. They're absolutely...
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    Been A While, Have Some SJC's!

    Probably been about 4 or 5 years since I've posted in this beautiful forum, and I couldn't resist coming back. Last year I was graced with the beautiful, wonderful gift that is a custom set of drums. With a pretty price tag, but oh so very worth it. Especially when it comes from my homeland in...
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    Tom Delonge: Changing The Music Business, Movies, blink182

    if anyone's interested here's a cool article about Angels & Airwaves' new album, movie, and future info for blink182. here's the actual article: Angels & Airwaves plans free digital album release Mitchell Peters Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:24pm EST...
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    Rockett Drum Works

    So just got back from the NAMM show last night and might i say what a great time! The booth i was most impressed with would have to be Rockett Drum Works! I checked them out last year, and this year I set up a meeting to order me up a new drum kit. I worked with the owner Rikki Rockett (Poison)...
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    NAMM anyone?

    anyone else headed out to NAMM this year? i'll be there again with Pepperell Music Center checking out all the new toys!
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    Dixon Update

    so i haven't posted in a while and thought i'd show you guys some updates to my dixon demon. nothing's really changed, just got a used Pearl Sensitone for 50 bucks! sounds absolutely amazing the set up goes: Dixon Demon Series 22x20" Bass 10x7" Rack Tom 14x12" Floor Tom 16x14" Floor Tom NEW...
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    Haven't Posted In a While

    so i haven't been posting for a while, so i thought i show you guys my new kit, practice space, and some new cymbals. i recently picked up a new Dixon Demon series 6 piece kit (picture five) and i love it! it really projects and has an awesome finish! the finish is black matte over black...
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    Namm anyone?

    I'll be there! Pepperell Music Center's taking a trip with a few employees. I'll be the kid with red hair, and mostly wearing angels and airwaves shirts. hope to see some of you there! and, does anyone have a list of musicians schedualed to be there? i couldn't find anything thanks, alex
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    What's in Your Bag?

    hey guys, just wondering what people use for their tools. so tell me, whats in your stick bag? Vater Power 5B(x4) Vic Firth MB-1H Marching Bass Mallets Pro-Mark Lighting Rods Regal Tip Non-Retractable Stick-Brushes One Pair of Mirror Lense Aviators