Gavin Harrison here!

Hi, Gavin
What height of beaters on your pedals? And what distance between beaters and bass drum head?
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Hey Gavin

I've recently sent my Uni applications away to do music and will soon have auditions to decide whether i get in or not. I would really love to play "The Sound Of Muzak" at these auditions as it would give me an amazing chance to show off technical ability but also allow me to improvise. Is there anyway possible for me to get my hands on a drum-less backing for the song? I would be more than willing to pay for this. Please reply even if the answer is no.


Hey Gavin

I've recently sent my Uni applications away to do music and will soon have auditions to decide whether i get in or not. I would really love to play "The Sound Of Muzak" at these auditions as it would give me an amazing chance to show off technical ability but also allow me to improvise. Is there anyway possible for me to get my hands on a drum-less backing for the song? I would be more than willing to pay for this. Please reply even if the answer is no.



The answer will be no. On this page of this thread he at least said no to people for about 10 times. :)

There is a cover-backing track of the song though.
But it's not an official version - it's a cover with bad guitar-sounds and no vocals. (if that's the verison you mean)

I wouldn't be expecting to get the actual track with the drums taken out. Usually playalongs don't have vocals anyway. I don't think that playalong (even if it is a cover) sounds too bad at all.

Rhythm magazine do drumless tracks every month and the production and music is really good, the Sound of Muzak playalong isn't quite at that level but I still find it more than decent.

Just received and watched the Octane Twisted DVD - very inspiring stuff, thank you! I noticed a few things - primarily that you took on the filming of the project yourself, at least managment-wise. Is this something you are interested in moving forward? Also, I noticed that there was much more of your drumming showcased in the DVD, rightfully so, was that intentional? Seems like the last DVD was lacking in the GH department, not sure why, but thank you for correcting the issue.
Finally, many thanks to you for your continued inspiration and your seemingly effortless playing, you are truly a gifted gentleman and it is very obvious you have poured your soul into your work. It shows in spades, good sir.

Hi SantiBanks

How are you clocking the units? Apogees slaving to the Motu clock or one of the apogees as master and the others as slaves?

The MOTU is the master clock. When I made one of Apogees the clock master I got a lot of digital glitches.

Hi Dustondrums

What height of beaters on your pedals? And what distance between beaters and bass drum head?

The beaters stick out 4" - that is to say I can measure 4" of the chrome pole. From the bass drum head to the middle of the beater is 7".

Hi FraserDrums

I would really love to play "The Sound Of Muzak" - Is there anyway possible for me to get my hands on a drum-less backing for the song? I would be more than willing to pay for this. Please reply even if the answer is no.

Sorry but the answer is no.

Hi Florian

Just received and watched the Octane Twisted DVD - very inspiring stuff, thank you! I noticed a few things - primarily that you took on the filming of the project yourself, at least managment-wise. Is this something you are interested in moving forward?

Apart from playing our instruments - some jobs in the band need to be dealt with by one of the members. It just so happened that I had some experience with video production (having made a few drum DVDs myself) so I volunteered to look after that part of it.

Also, I noticed that there was much more of your drumming showcased in the DVD, rightfully so, was that intentional?

No - there just wasn't that much footage to edit between. I think there was only 4 or 5 cameras - compared to the 18 we used on our previous DVD.

Hi Gavin

Have you found something close in sound to that old 1940´s ride cymbal you used to play?

Thanks for your time
Hey Gavin,

Recently viewed a video of you testing out Zildjian's Gen16 cymbals. I'm sorry but those cymbals sounded very disappointing. Nowhere near the brilliance or depth of your other cymbals. What was your impression with them? Judging by the video and your facial expressions, it didn't seem like you were too happy with them either. Of course, that could have just been your "I'm in the concentration zone" face. haha

Also, I had a question about your ghost note rolls you do. Let's take the Unsettled snare intro... sounds like an open stroke roll, maybe 5 or 7 strokes? I also noticed that in the beginning of Beyond the A -- it sounds like a 5 stroke roll on the snare, followed by the same on the bass drum... I guess it all depends on the song, and how long you want the fill to be... silly question on my part..

Thanks for your time Gavin


** CORRECTION ** -- I ran through the comments on the video and did not realize you were playing electronic cymbals!? With that in mind, I'll rephrase the question to "So, how did you like them?"
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Hi Gavin,

Thanks for answering my last question. Just wondering are any of your DVD's useful as a kind of visual accompaniment to a book like The New Breed by Gary Chester?

I'm a drummer who picks up stuff better by ear and viewing than reading (at this stage anyway). Does any of the material on the DVDs crossover to the kind of independence instruction in the New Breed book?
Hey Gavin!

I want to start practicing the book syncopation. I don't have a teacher. Do you have any good approach or "system" to practice it? It's just a bunch of patterns, I need some guidance on what to do with it. I'd be grateful if you could share a few tips on how to approach it.

Hey Gavin!

I want to start practicing the book syncopation. I don't have a teacher. Do you have any good approach or "system" to practice it? It's just a bunch of patterns, I need some guidance on what to do with it. I'd be grateful if you could share a few tips on how to approach it.


Get this book: The Drummer's Complete Vocabulary As Taught by Alan Dawson

It goes over a bunch of different ways to approach "Syncopation".
Gavin: I saw that you're going to be in Chicago on Jan. 31 for a drum clinic. Can you tell us what else you'll be doing while you're in the States? Any other clinics planned, for example?

Hello Gavin! I´m drummer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Your music and videos were, and you are a great inspiration in my drumming studies and performances. The way you play ghost strokes, or hit your small cymbals, or move into complex time signatures is really the key influences in my style of playing. You are the Roger Federer of drums!!
Two months ago I released the first track of my drumming dvd, and obviously it can´t be another that “19 days”. I know that lot of people has recorded it, but it would be an honour to me if you can see it and say a few words, I swear that it´s different than others, I dedicated 6 months only to this song to aply all that I´ve learned from you!!
Here is the link:

Hope to hear you! (and sorry for my english)
Mike, that is a very impressive first post of yours (your link!).
Welcome to the forum.
Tell us more about your drumming DVD (post in another section though).
Hey Gavin,

just got my "Octane Twisted" - loving it!!!!

I've got another question about recording with the Mackie.
Do you have your drumset pre-mixed on the mackie desk with EQ and volume and pass that signal via the direct-outs to the computer? Or do you have everything set to unity and mix it completely on the computer?
And also, how do you set up your monitor mix? Using the mix-b section?

Thanks a lot :)
