Hating your playing, sometimes or always.

It's what I love about you Thaard.

All that talent, and yet your always so overly critical of your own playing. It's nice to know you stay humble.
I don't really know for sure, but I think has to do with my expression and feel. It just doesn't sit right with me a lot of times.
Could it be that you're looking for American style groove and swing? I've read that European jazzers have traditionally admired and aspired to those things found in American jazz. Still, you bring that cerebral European prog/fusion thing to the table.
There is possibly nothing wrong at all. If there is nothing "wrong" with your playing, as you infer, timing etc, It is probably just you being over critical.

Stop listening to endless recordings and nit picking everything. If its a gig and you enjoyed the gig then its job done, dont over analise it afterwards. It is probably simply a phase you are going through.

Wait before you start taking your playing apart, geting a new teacher, dumping all you have done etc. All will be well.
Could it be that you're looking for American style groove and swing? I've read that European jazzers have traditionally admired and aspired to those things found in American jazz. Still, you bring that cerebral European prog/fusion thing to the table.
Maybe you're on to something there.
Not being completely satisfied with one's own performance is part of the human condition. It's part of the mechanism that drives us to improve. Musicianship is a constant battle between our abilities and the maturity with which we hear. The more you play, the more refined our perception becomes.

So it's not unusual that you feel this way, and it's not unusual for this situation to repeat itself every so often. What is important is that you learn to recognize this feeling as an improvement, and not get hung up about it.

Peace and love.

KamaK is right here as ever. A veritable font of wisdom.

Thaard, I know you're a really, really good player. One of the best I've heard on here and you've got your stuff together. For you, it's definitely not a matter of ability, it's that you've become familiar with yourself.

In your situation, I'd be thinking about making some stylistic changes. You're pretty influenced by Fusion styles so I'd be thinking about making some kind of break from that. Perhaps looking at hardcore punk or something totally unrelated to what you're doing now. You've done that with Jazz, maybe you can look at some other forms - or even step away from the kit and try adventuring in some other fields. I got pretty bored of things so I got into Noise.

Just some thoughts.
No i never hate my playing ,i hate the mistakes i make or the groove is not what i wanted to be.But most of the time im the only one thats feels that way.
After watching Benny Grebs newest dvd, and analyzing my playing from recent recordings, I've found that my playing from a drummers perspective is good, but not from a musicians. There's too many notes sometimes and it doesn't really benefit the songs.
So, at the moment I'm trying to change my thinking while playing and try feel it more with less notes.
I don't like my inability to play fills, but I know how to practice that. I can only play my drum set at band practices and gigs. I usually always like my grooves. When I DON'T like my drumming, is usually when I'm not getting comfortable tactile feedback from the drums / cymbals through the sticks to my hands. Sometimes I don't like my drum tuning, or the way the drums/cymbals sound to me, from the drum stool, or the sound they have in the room. Sometimes my hands feel like dead clumps of meat and bone (I'm 64, so...). I have to always wear the click in each ear, and the FEW times I take them out during a song, the drums and cymbals sound loud and horrible to me.
I have to always wear the click in each ear, and the FEW times I take them out during a song, the drums and cymbals sound loud and horrible to me.

Hearing this causes me great sadness.

As weird as this sounds,there are times when I'm playing in the moment thinking I suck ,and then when I hear it played back ,it's not bad.

Go figure.