New Kit! Creamy Impact Drum Set...

Absolutely loving those re-wrapped pearls. The wrap suits the style of kit perfectly, stirling job sir :)
Would love to own a set of old school pearls however I'm meant to be saving for a Mapex Saturn at the moment and I think the cost of shipping them from Canada would outweigh the cost of the drums!

Cheers anyway :)
Won't be for a few more months yet but you can guarantee that I will whore all of the bandwidth of imageshack uploading pictures of it :)
How do you wrap drums? What materials do use? Can someone write a tutorial or send me a link to one please. I really want to buy a cheap set and try wrapping the kit myself!

How do you wrap drums? What materials do use? Can someone write a tutorial or send me a link to one please. I really want to buy a cheap set and try wrapping the kit myself!


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He has a good tutorial video on the site, an extensive selection of wraps and parts and even includes a grommet tool with air vents. Plus if you get in a pinch you can call him and if you have tried by yourself first he will help you. Nice guy.