Drum company name ideas?


Senior Member
I want to start a small drum company, only to make a few extra quid on the side, i have ways of sourcing the shells and hardware cheap.

What would you guys call your drum company if you started one?

(I know i am never going to be as big as a custom drum company such as SJC or AJP but in the UK, there are not many big custom drum companies)

If I was to do it, I would use my last name. But that is just me. If that was not an option, I would probably give it some ridiculous name, like Rabid Monkey Drum Co. or something. I know it is silly, but silly names stick in peoples heads. Just look at some band names.
I see you're in Hereford, so if that's where you're going to be making them how about Wye Drums?
Superb Drums would be my choice. Think about it, conversations between drummers could go something like this :

Observer " Those are Superb drums "
Drummer " Yes they are "
Observer " Yes they are what ?"
Drummer "Superb "
Observer "Iknow that, but what brand are they ?"
Drummer "Superb"
How about Conun-drum?
Totally non-sequitor but I like "Damage Jackall Drums"
Yogi Drums

Thinly veiled joke, the point of which being that it doesn't matter what you call yourself, if the product is good and you back it up with customer service, you'll be on a (drum) roll.
How about Conun-drum?

Already taken about 15 years ago by a seller/distributor in NYC, I think El Negro was involved.

Besides, a little too 'cutesy' in a play-on-words kinda way (at least that's what I thought 15 years ago with the other outfit!)

I want to start a small drum company, only to make a few extra quid on the side, i have ways of sourcing the shells and hardware cheap.

What would you guys call your drum company if you started one?

(I know i am never going to be as big as a custom drum company such as SJC or AJP but in the UK, there are not many big custom drum companies)

I know it's not the point of this thread, but I have to respond to your post. Starting a "drum company" to "make a few quid on the side" is just about the worst reason to start up. There may not be many large custom drum companies in the UK, but there's a ton of guys buying shells from here, hardware from there, & putting themselves out there. It's actually fairly easy to set up, & just as easy to get badly wrong.

Now this is the point where you don't like me. I've read most of your posts here. I took an interest because you're local to me. Honestly, it's clear to me that you know very little about how to specify drums in a way that offers a consistent instrument to others. This bothers me, because it's exactly this sort of startup, encouraged by your stated motivations, that give smaller independent companies a bad name. Sorry to sound harsh, but there it is.
(humor mode)

The KAD company.

Kick-Ass Drums. Or in the UK, i guess it would be Kick-Arse Drums. :)

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