Blast beats

Re: blast beat trouble


In death metal, most drummers hit the ride cymbal or hit hat on the bass drum strokes. In thrash metal, the 16th notes are slower, and the cymbal is hit on both the up- and down- beats. Try the push-pull technique for your hands, and try using both feet too. pull technique

- Marc
Re: i need help with blast beats.

TAMAmetaldrummer said:
i need help with blast beats. any suggestions?

I don't really have any good advice for playing blast beats because I generally don't play them, but I think basically you just have to work on your single strokes with both of your hands - both of your hands have to be consistent.

Work on your exercises. Work with your hands independently, especially your weak hand.
Make sure you use a metronome.
Hope this helps.
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Re: i need help with blast beats.

handspeed, i do a moeller type motion where i lower my wrists and hands every second hit but this isnt necessary, its just what im comfortable with.. also single flams, one stick on the hihat another hitting snare at the same time. its just a matter of refining your single strokes. so just drill a fast single roll and single flams, it takes a while and you constantly need to practice them

if you play a double kick you gotta work on a fast single roll as well, it has to be in sync with your hands
Re: i need help with blast beats.

try and have a look at Dave Wekl's finger technique, if you practice that, it should take most of the energy use off your arms, coz you'll get tired if you try and use your arms too much, i know. mike smith from Suffocation uses blasts all the time and use use his fingers most of the time, but yeah, work on your single strokes will help aswell. hope all this makes sense and is of help.

Re: i need help with blast beats.

I play blasts two different ways, the first one I call the onbeat as the snare is on the eights notes, the second I call the offbeat as the snare is on the off beat 16ths. Kind of looks like this:​

x = hat
s = snare
b - bass

On beat
1 e + a 2 e + a
x x x x x x x x
s s s s s s s s

1 e + a 2 e + a
x x x x x x x x
i s s s s s s s s
b b b b b b b b

Notice how everything lines up in the onbeat while the snare and hat alternate on the offbeat. The onbeat is the one that requires the foot speed as its doing the 32nds. Try doing it one foot at a time on the 16ths like this:

1 e + a 2 e + a
x x x x x x x x
s s s s s s s s
b b b b b b b b <--- all played with the right or left foot.

Do this with both feet and strive for accuracy, all notes are hitting at the exact same time. Then very slowly start to go for the alternating 32nds on the kick, so slow that they can be counted as 16ths.​
When it comes to blast beats many people think that its just playing as fast as possible, and while this is sometimes true, dont forget that there is a rhythm here that needs just as much accuracy and articulation as any other beat.​
Hope this helps!

[email protected]
Re: i need help with blast beats.

1___ e____ +____a____2____e____+____ a

hand/foot roll blasts, im trying to learn these currently

essential for single pedal players
Re: i need help with blast beats.

Pretty much what everyone else has said. They are all good practice for blast beats.
Blast beats (types)

Can eny one give me some metal blast beats i now these 2 (bh s bh s bh (bass and HH are at the same time) and (bbbbbbbbbbbb) and sane and hh on 1 and the timing is 1234 with double bass)) i need more please!


Re: i need help with blast beats.

um... ive been wonderingm what is a blast beat?
What do you need help with? I always thought blast beats themselves were a simple concept, just hit everything at the same time. :)
One sort of cheat I use sometimes, is play the snare with my right hand because it's faster, and just play half that speed with my left hand on hi-hats or something.

I believe gravity blasts are when instead of hitting both you're right and left hand at the same time, you alternate them. Between The Buried And Me's drummer does this a lot. I'm currently writing out "The Primer" and that's the only type of blasting he does in that song.

So the bass drum and right hand don't change, but you're left hand (or whatever you use on the snare) is put on the "off" beat.
dude, we just gotta hangout sometime,
ill teach blast beats, their easy.
idk bout the gravity one tho.
DoubleBassUrFace said:
dude, we just gotta hangout sometime,
ill teach blast beats, their easy.
idk bout the gravity one tho.

There's nothing really to teach about them... basically just hit everything. ;)
Raymond Bloom said:
gravity blast = rimroll (freehand technique) well the Johnny Rabb thing :)

Oh? Then what's the thing I was describing called? Or isn't that called anything?