Post your main strengths

Thank you, Polly, for the acknowledgment. I wish it wasn't the case but I have to say speed is my single greatest strength. I wish my funkometer scores were up to par with my drumometer scores... Other than raw speed and nice grooves I like to think of myself as an expert at tuning and getting all the potential out of a drum(s). Thanks to Bob Gatzen for all the knowledge on finding your sound and recreating it.
thatoneguy suggested having a thread where we post our main strengths as a flipside to Post your Greatest Weakness.

So what are your main assets as a drummer/musician? Do you work on them when you practice, do you focus on bolstering your weaknesses or both?

I'm good looking, and I dont slouch and drool when I play but my tongue hangs out like a gecko's when I play fills.. so it all evens out : I

Practice.hmmm.. I practice playing my comfort zones freely without thinking,musically, improvisationally... weaknesses are what I work on very deliberately..limb independence, micro timing, leading with different limbs.

You know, I'd feel uncomfortable posting in this thread if I didn't kick it off - it's hard to beat your own drum <groan> and not feel like a gronk.

But it doesn't have to be like that ... I find that if I focus on the good bits then some of the bad bits right themselves ... if I'm really getting into it then my timing tends to be better than if I concentrate on timing itself.
I posted a thread exactly like this some time last year. It disappeared without trace. Goes to show that people are more concerned with what they can't do than what they can, I suppose.

Last time I said my right foot was my greatest strength, but I think I've come a long way since then so now I would say...hmm. Good timekeeping...creativity...all-round musicianship is quite good...more efficient technique than I used to have...not sure. I'm a work in progress! Watch this space!
I am the greatest bounty hunter of trolls in Internet history. I know who you are, where you live, your true age, what you posted on the most obscure forum three years ago, why you're using an alias now, and the day time and year you will implode.

There are no new troll gimmicks...only new trolls, alongside 4 old ones who refuse to surrender their innate trollness.
I am the greatest bounty hunter of trolls .
Really, you get a financial reward for this? Cool.

Ok, I do have some strengths beyond being cheap & low maintenance. I put a lot of effort into getting a good sound, but the rest is a mystery. I have no shortage of players who want to work with me, so I can only assume they see something different in this drummer bereft of ability. Oh, I know what it is, I'm cheap & low maintenance, lol!
I know who you are, where you live, your true age, what you posted on the most obscure forum three years ago, why you're using an alias now, and the day time and year you will implode.

LOL - it's true! It freaks me out at times ... I'm often thinking, how did he find that out??

But the big thing about you IMO is your versatility - being able to play a range of styles with authenticity.

Andy, I'm cheap and low maintenance too, I say "yes" a lot, couch my nos with care, and as a bonus I have a small drum set footprint. Downside is I can be pretty effin annoying at times ... fortunately, that's often kind of expected in the drumming personality :)

Bummer about your thread, PQ. I searched for "strengths" in the title before starting this. Oh well. I think it's harder to talk about your pluses because 1) it feels self-important and 2) I don't know about others, but I'm a bit superstitious ... like if I say I can do something well then chances are I'll do it badly next time I play. Not sure if that's true or just paranoia. Bernard Purdie does just fine ...
I have been getting feedback that I listen and make musical comments to other instruments/bandmembers/musicians pretty good.
Although, I wish my feet could keep up with my hands on timing and freedom. That's why I removed the top off my DW Practice Kit
and placed it under my desk, so that I can work on my feet whenever I sit down at the computer :D
I like to think that I have a very good sense of playing for the song, in terms of understanding the song structure as it happens, phrasing, dynamics, and catching changes as they happen.

I think my backbeat is unmistakable, my bands know where two and four are.

I think a lot of my strengths as a musician come from my work ethic. I'm easy to get along with, always on time, great at communicating, and not easily prone to flake out (something I am especially attuned to as I'm meeting new musicians in a new scene.... how any guitarists keep a gig in this town is beyond me).
I think that some of my strengths are good time keeping and more importantly holding things together when guitarists or keyboard players want to keep time and wander from my pulse.

With that, I've been playing long enough now that I have "big ears" and even if I don't know a song, I can play just a smidge behind the beat and still pull it off without anyone noticing. (as long as there are no special stops or endings that are weird.

I can play very quietly and still keep rock solid time. I've gotten many compliments from other musicians that when we are learning songs or rehearsing that I can control my volume level very well.

Stamina. I regularly play a jam session where if I'm the only drummer, I can go for 6 to 7 hours no problem.

I'm very easy to get along with. I always check my ego at the door.
I am the greatest bounty hunter of trolls in Internet history. I know who you are, where you live, your true age, what you posted on the most obscure forum three years ago, why you're using an alias now, and the day time and year you will implode.

There are no new troll gimmicks...only new trolls, alongside 4 old ones who refuse to surrender their innate trollness.

OMG this made me laugh, so true.
I envision one of Polly's great cartoons with a giant Matt Smith crushing trolls in his hands.

One of my strengths.. a guitar player told me once that it seems I instinctively know what to play behind a soloist and that it seemed like I know exactly where they are going with their solo.
I told him, nothing to it, you just have to listen.
That made my day.
I have great timing,dynamics,showmanship & a right foot since i'm at it i'm good-looking also. LOL

Average ability, mediocre talent.....but very professional approach.....solid enough time and easy to work with, so I've been lead to believe. My attitude has made up for lack of ability on more than one occasion. Alas, it's also caused me to bite off more than I could chew, once or twice too.

I think my biggest talent lies in being able to polish off the rider when all is said and done. :)
I get rhythm, I pick up odd time signatures really easily basically I just hear what it should sound like and play it.

Pretty good at getting different sounds out of things as well.

I don't like to boast too much when it comes to drum strengths as I know there are tons of others that can do what I do best much better, if I had to name something I am particularly good with it would be writing more then playing.