stick in the eye anyone? not for the meek!


Gold Member
Back in the early 90's, we were on our last song (thankfully) and the juices were flowing,, I went to lift my stick with a lot of force to stick it in the air and missed. Hit myself right in the eye, OUCH!! it was bad.. I though blood was running out of my eye but after wiping it on my zebra striped wristband (so 80's) I saw it was just water gushing out.. I lowered my headband to cover my eye and finished the song..when I lifted the headband up my eye was turning purple and was already 90% closed.. straight to the hospital and after seeing an eye doctor in the morning I was told I was very lucky I did not detach my retina. Anyone else get hurt playing?
That sucks. Good to know it all turned out fine, tho. I never hit my eye but I got waaay to close, a few too many times. I never wear my glasses when I'm practicing at home, that's when I gotta pay attention. I'm pretty safe otherwise, unless I shatter glass directly into my eye... I'm going to have nightmares tonight.
"Anyone else get hurt playing?" ...Just my pride when I dropped my stick while playing "Wipeout". (Sorry for your pain.)
I've certainly hit myself in the face with a drumstick before.......more times than I'd care to admit if I'm honest.

This is also a regular occurrence for me, both eyes and rest of my face; one time right in the middle of my forehead. Sometimes the kit hits back; I gotta learn to bob and weave.
One night I was leaning on a speaker stack and went to walk away; there was a little door in the stage floor open with a small metal flap that would cover it. When I stepped down my foot went into the floor up to my knee and that metal plate zipped open my right shin like a could see the bone, muscle, etc. Paramedics bandaged me up and recommended I go to the hospital stat but instead I got up, walked around and found out that I could play and so I did the entire night.

On the way home I stopped off at the ER and got 9 stitches in my leg.

The downside was that it happened on an Indian Reservation and I found out what "Sovereign Nation" means... they didn't pay the bill and basically told me to screw off.

Do not, under ANY circumstances get injured on a Reservation. If you think you're gonna get hurt, just leave. :D
I took a chip out of one of my teeth while doing a triplet roll round the kit. The stick just flew out of my hand and went straight at the teeth.
Moral of the tale : Keep your gob shut.
Wow what a bunch of losers! Glad I'm not such a big fat loser!

Of course I kid...

I'm pretty good at not hitting myself. One time I landed my backbeat on my thumbnail. That smarted. But part of my leg wasn't hanging off.

Then there was the time at the Indian Reservation where I broke a maple stick, and it sliced my neck 3/4's of the way through. I couldn't hold my head up straight, my head was just stuck looking up at the ceiling and my open wound kind of gurgled out for the rest of the set. Between songs I had to scrape up blood and pour it back down my neck. The leader did some quick did some vascular surgery on me at break, (his day job is vascular surgery) and by the last set I was good as new. While I was at it, I had him scrape out my double chin fat so actually I walked out of that gig better looking than when I arrived.

Thanks broken maple stick!
The downside was that it happened on an Indian Reservation and I found out what "Sovereign Nation" means... they didn't pay the bill and basically told me to screw off.

Do not, under ANY circumstances get injured on a Reservation. If you think you're gonna get hurt, just leave. :D

Where were you at Billy Ray? What Rez?
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I've sort of poked myself in the eye on one or two occasions, but never full-on hit myself. Still not a pleasing sensation mid-gig, but nothing like what you're describing.
Then there was the time at the Indian Reservation where I broke a maple stick, and it sliced my neck 3/4's of the way through. I couldn't hold my head up straight, my head was just stuck looking up at the ceiling and my open wound kind of gurgled out for the rest of the set.
i had this exact thing happen to me, but my head actually fell off! that was a very challenging night. ironically, that was at a casino on an indian reservation.
Sawdust in the eyes is pretty common unless one plays like a wuss lol. I def need to have my fan blowing from behind or I'd be blind.
I've had my share of accidents, not as serious as yours though. I was practicing Slayer's "Angel of Death" when my right bass pedal went through my drum head and hit me in the shin, with a nice big bruise to remind me of the time. Playing with Ahead sticks (metal sticks for anyone who doesn't know) I was going from a fill into a snare flam, when my thumb got caught between the two sticks, which sucked pretty damn bad. I also play shirtless sometimes and whipped my back with the sticks a good few times. So I've been pretty badly bruised in my on-going 2 year career. My dad once thought I got in a fight or something.
I just recently broke the middle toe on my right foot. I had my laptop balanced poorly between racked toms while I made adjustments to my kick pedal. As I sat up the laptop came crashing down on my right foot. I play barefoot so there was no shoe to soften the blow. Fortunately for me the break was "clean" and on the tip of my toe - so I can still play while it heals. Since I am 46 I can look forward to arthritis and probably bone spurs after it heals...
