PDP 805 or Pearl VBX

to me 805 is more for ROCK
so if you play rock MAINLY go for the 805..805 I think is just for the looks, I don't know
Pearl looks for all around for me so I would go for the pearl but try them out and see where are you most comfortable...
Hope I helped :)
welcome to the forum, the 805's are near perfect 'Rock' drums, have better hardware all around - rack tom mounts and snare assembly in particular, and with clear or black heads look pretty good i think...

just 2 more cents - good hunting!
Here is a visual contrast.

PDP 805:

Pearl VBX

Which one could you see yourself playing for the next few years?
Unless you play for the Bay City Rollers, the PEARL is the way to go.

Hey gmrakich,

The Bay City Rollers?

Thanks dude for making me feel old! I remember watching their Saturday morning show right after my cartoons. Damn It. Th, th, that's All Folks.